Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values


Our Mission

Mind, body, spirit-transformation for men, women and children to awaken their God-given purpose.


Our Vision

A community living in harmony with the earth, animals, and families, united with hearts set on God’s love & grace.


Light to Earth Sanctuary Core Values


We are deeply loved by God, our mission is to share, spread and live out His Love for the world.

Love one another as Christ loves us.

Forgive one another as Christ forgave us.

Serve one another as Christ served us; Serving as the hands and feet of Jesus: The Church

Non-judgement: all are welcome. We are all loved sinners.

We are brothers and sisters. 

The Gospel as Truth, Healing & Power for all.

Non-harming actions and lifestyle towards Animals 

Non-harming actions and lifestyle towards the earth.

Families belong together. Families have destinies.

We each have a destiny to fulfill here on earth, given to us by God.