Spiritual Direction with Franki DeSaro


What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is centered on being present with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It is a quiet and safe space to be with God together for 1 hour. A session may consist of prayer, resting in silence, reflection, sharing thoughts, feelings or experiences that may arise during this time. A Spiritual Director’s role is to listen, pray for you, support you and always guide you back to focusing on your relationship with God; how He is present in all areas of your life and His unconditional love for you.

Spiritual Direction is a non-judgmental, confidential space where you can feel safe to be your authentic self, share your experiences and be guided with care and support through your life journey; ebbs, flows and all.

My utmost hope as a Director is to help you deepen your relationship with God. For I truly believe that all else in life flows from this strong foundation.

Who is Spiritual Direction For?

Spiritual Direction is for men and women who share in a relationship with Jesus.

We can share in Direction together during any season of your life; through the highs, lows and in-betweens, we will surely find God there walking the journey along with you. Wherever you are on your path, come as you are, and I will meet you there, trusting that the Holy Spirit will also meet us together.

How Long is Spiritual Direction? How Often Do We Meet?

Spiritual Direction consists of 1 hour in person or virtual sessions in a quiet and restful space. We will meet once or twice per month; according to what you need and desire.

How Do I Begin?

I would love to meet you, and spend some time getting to know one another! We can do so by connecting on zoom, phone or in-person for coffee / tea for a free Introduction to Spiritual Direction Session. This will be a simple, relaxed time to connect and answer any questions you may have about Spiritual Direction.

We will then move on to booking our first Spiritual Direction Session together.

What is Your Pricing?

Spiritual Direction is $65 / hour for 1 person.

$75 / hour for couples.

If you are in need of Spiritual Direction but cannot afford our services please fill out our Light to Earth Scholarship application for partial or full funding support. Please do not allow your need to hinder you from receiving Direction. 

If you feel called to give to our Scholarship Fund, please Pay-It-Forward here.


Franki is the embodiment of Christ’s love and warmth. She is helping to deepen my relationship with God, and in turn, with myself. I am grateful for her gentle, guiding spirit as well as her ability to hold space for me in a loving non-judgmental, and supportive way.
— C
My Spiritual Direction session with Franki was awesome. First of all the meditation helped me to empty myself, to be still and quiet.

In the midst of all of my emotions, I could hear the voice of God speaking to me. The Holy Spirit showed me that I always need to be connected to him in order to have balance and peace in my life. Once I pull away from God, my life becomes tossed to and fro and I lose my peace.

I was reminded that true peace is only attainable by being connected with God. Just like branches need the vine to survive, I also need Jesus to optimally survive.

The 1-hour session with Franki helped me to relax and be calm within my spirit and mind. The Holy Spirit comforted me, I could feel the Spirit dwelling within my being. This brought me great peace as I have been struggling through a difficult time in my life.

Oh how my soul was aching for the presence of the Lord.
— K

About Me:

For the past 13 years, my journey has been intimately woven with Jesus, as I've walked hand in hand with God. Yet, the echoes of His presence have resonated in the depths of my heart my whole life, cultivating a profound and abiding love. Through life's intricate tapestry of messiness and beauty, I have found solace and guidance in His boundless Love and Grace that have anchored me.

As an artist, my creative spirit finds its purest expression amidst the wonders of creation. Nature is my canvas, and I feel an unparalleled closeness to God when I paint amidst its landscapes. My passion extends to a love for animals and a deep appreciation for the innocence and joy found in the hearts of children.

Five years ago, fueled by a seed of faith, I co-founded Light to Earth Sanctuary—a ministry that has flourished and continues to serve those in need.

In the pursuit of spiritual depth, I embarked on the ‘Sustainable Faith’ certificate program 2 years ago with Vineyard Church, NY. Furthermore, I began the Selah Certificate Program in Spiritual Direction 1 year ago which will continue into 2025. My own spiritual journey has been enriched through six years of receiving Spiritual Direction, a source of profound peace, love, and joy for which I am profoundly grateful. In 2026 I will receive a master's in art therapy; I look forward to expanding my ministry work into therapeutic services.

I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you, inviting you to join me on a journey of communion with God through Spiritual Direction—a cherished experience that has become one of my greatest joys. I look forward to the privilege of walking alongside you as we navigate the sacred path of Faith together.

~With Love, Franki DeSaro


Book a 45-minute Introduction to Spiritual Direction session with Franki.

Please complete the below form if you are interested in a 45 min -free- intro to spiritual direction session with franki on zoom, facetime, phone or in-person to learn more about one another.


If you are in need of spiritual and emotional support, but cannot afford our services please fill out our Light to Earth Scholarship application at the link below.

For in Him we live and move and have our being
— Acts 17:28